I’m the worst

I’m so bad at updating, like, for real. I don’t even have the guts to check when I last posted here…

A lot has happened since last time, whenever that was, though. I moved back home to Sweden, and left the lovely country of England. Since I left, I’ve had such cravings for Starbucks, it’s not healthy. How many times have I wished to drink a delicious Caramel Macchiato, or a Vanilla spice latte? Like I said, it’s not healthy.

Good news is, I’m going back to England on holiday in a few weeks! 😀 No need to ask where I’ll spend most of my time, heh. I’m so excited, it’s almost been a year since I left. I’ll be staying with the family I worked with when I was an au pair, so it’ll be so great to see them again!

I’ll be back (Terminator style) with a new post soon, I promise.

Fail of the year – R.I.P phone :'(

This weekend I failed so bad, like, it actually hurts inside as I think about it.
Have any of you ever… dropped your phone in the toilet? Because I have. Twice.

I remember it like it was last weekend, (it was). I was going to, you know… do my business, when suddenly- SPLASH.
I literally saw my phone’s life flash before my eyes. Everything we’d bee through together. All our adventures. Our joys and sorrows. I tried to revive it, maybe there was still a chance I could save it. But no. It was all in vain. It was gone, all flushed away (pun intended).

My life would have been in serious danger, but then I found my new baby. My old phone, which I had carelessly thrown aside as I bought the one with the bigger screen (I was in a phase). It saved my life, like literally. What would I have done without a phone? How would I have survived even a day without checking my social media every half hour? I think I might have a problem.

Crazy red haired lady

Remember the post I wrote about laughing at my own silent conversation? Yeah, it happened again, sort of. But this time, instead of laughing, I was caught in public, talking to myself. I see no problem with this, I just speak my thoughts, if that makes sense (probably not), and to others, it might look like I talk to myself, and I kind of do, but so what?

Anyway, I was on my way to Starbucks, as usual, when I spotted a stray cat on the other side of the street, and I began to have a conversation with myself about the cat.

“Aaaw, it’s so cute.”
“Hope it has a home somewhere, if I could, I’d totally take it with me.”
“Wouldn’t  you? OMG, it’s coming this way!!!”
“Hiiiii kitty, can I pet you?”

…and so it went on for about five minutes. After the cat had tired of me  😥 I stood up straight, and when I looked around I was surrounded by people. Old men with their dogs. A mum with her children, a young couple out jogging. All of them were staring at me as if I were some sort of alien.

Eh, whatever. What’s the fun with being normal, anyway? 😉


Anyone else playing Pokemon GO? If not, congratulations, you actually have a life 🙂

I’ve been a fan of Pokemon since I was young, I remember waking up extremely early every Saturday and Sunday, eat breakfast in record time, and watch Pokemon at 8.30 in the morning. Even when we were on holiday, I had to watch it, there was no question about it. The rest of my family could never really understand why I was so fascinated by the show. Could be because I had a small, (huge) crush on Ash Kethum, which I now realised sounds like ‘catch ’em’. I know, I’m probably the last person on this earth to have discovered this.



Majorly anti-social

The past two weeks I have been very (very, very, very, very) antisocial like you wouldn’t believe how antisocial I’ve been. The family I work with have been on holiday, and I’ve had the house to myself. And I have been doing nothing. I had plans to do lots of things, but I did nothing. Unless countless hours of Netflix and NCIS counts as something. Because if it does, I’ve been so busy 🙂

I watched an episode of NCIS on TV one night, and I thought it was pretty exciting, and I’ve always had a small crush on Mark Harmon. So I looked it up on Netflix, but no NCIS, to my great sorrow. But I found a site where you can watch all the seasons of it online, so yeah. I’ve hardly left my bed the last two weeks. The only times I’ve left the house if when the cleaner came, or if I craved ice cream. Like, seriously. What have I done with my life…?


Since I booked my ticket home, I’ve also been incredibly homesick. The past years, whenever I went home, I had to plan things to do in just two weeks before I had to go back to England. But this year, I won’t have to, which feels great. No more hasty planning, no more frantically packing… all out Swedish food (my favourite bit). No more marmite, bagels and no more earl grey. I mean, I like tea, but I’ll be happy to never see that stuff ever again.

Return to my homeland

In exactly 61 days I’m leaving lovely England for dear old Sweden, and I have to say I’m (sooooo) excited. 🙂 Ever since first thinking about going back, I realised how much I’ve missed everyone, especially my dog and my brother. Yes, my dog comes first in this scenario, he doesn’t have either Facebook or Instagram, so keeping in touch with him has been difficult.


Gotta catch them all!

Anyone else playing Pokemon Go? I think it’s awesome!
I grew up with Pokemon, I used to get up at 8 am every Saturday and Sunday and watch a new episode, my parents got so sick of me singing the theme song they considered banning me from watching it. I said it would be a cruel thing to do and promised them a life in hell if they’d take Pokemon away from me, but I promised to stop singing the song when they were around.

Lock me up and throw away the key

You know that uncomfortable feeling you get when you see someone on the street laughing at, apparently, nothing? You think they seem a bit weird, and don’t want to get too close, so you make sure to create lots of space between you and them, just to feel a little ‘safer’.

This has happened to me several times, and now I’ve committed the crime myself… I don’t know how it happened, well obviously I know how, but I never thought it would actually happen to me. I was on my way to Starbucks, as usual, when my mind suddenly travelled back to a conversation I once had with my two best friends over Skype. One of my friends said something, and I laughed uncontrollably for several minutes. My mind replayed the conversation, and I started laughing out loud, for at least two minutes. It was incredibly amusing, but even more so mortifying. There were people on the street, staring at me as if I were some sort of escapee from an asylum.

Once I’d managed to calm down my laughter to giggling, I continued my journey. Luckily, no one got hurt. If someone had approached me and asked if I was alright, I might have hurt them to avert the attention from me and onto them instead. I’m not proud of that particular trait.


Sweat, sweat and more sweat

It. Is. SO. Hot.

I’ve turned into a puddle of sweat. It was inevitable, couldn’t be prevented. Being a Swede, I’m not used to this hot climate. it’s much cooler in Sweden. I mean sure, it gets hot in Sweden, too, but not this hot. I’ve taken refuge in Starbucks, where it’s cool and nice 🙂

I’m going back to Sweden soon, so the last few weeks I’ve been sorting everything out, and I realised my room is full of junk. All the clothes and books I don’t want/need I’ve given to various shops, all that’s left is getting myself on a plane back to lovely Sweden! 🙂


It’s been quite hot today, and when I say ‘quite’ I mean ‘I’m gonna murder anyone who dares oppose me today’. I think the heat’s affected people in different ways, like my barista at Starbucks earlier today:

Barista: Hello, what would you like?
Me: Could I have a large caramel macchiato, please?
Barista: To stay or to go?
Me: To go.
Barista: To stay?
Me: Nnno, to go.
Barista: To go?
Me: Yes.
Barista: You sure?
Me: Yeah, pretty sure.
Barista: …
Me: …?
Barista: Okay.