11 Harry Potter theories

  1. Why Dementors are so interested in Harry.
    Since Harry himself is one of eight horcruxes, he has, in fact 1. 125 souls, and since Dementors are drawn to a person’s soul, they are particularly keen on Harry’s surplus.
  2. Harry’s sacrifice of death.
    Professor Trelawney’s prophecy stating “either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives” actually meant the only way either could die was at the hand of the other. So when Harry kills Voldemort, he sacrifices his own death, and is destined to a life of immortality and will never be able to see his parents, Sirius, Hedwig or Dumbledore again.
  3. Creature, Dangerous, Dai, Serious.
    When Harry visits Mr. Weasley at St. Mungo’s, the name of the hospital’s wards are surprisingly telling. If you take the first word from each: Creature-Induced Injuries, Dangerous, Dai Llewellyn Ward, and Serious Bites, you get “Creature Dangerous, Dai Serious” aka “Kreacher Dangerous, Die Sirius.”
  4. The real reason the Dursleys were so horrible.
    Horcruxes are horrible, torn-up pieces of evil soul that steadily degrade willpower and basically ruin lives as you’re exposed to them over time. So after living with Harry (a horcrux, remember) for 10 years, no wonder the Dursleys were so horrible.
  5. Trelawney’s not-entirely-wrong prediction. 
    When Trelawney theorizes during Divination class that Harry was born in “Midwinter”, it seems she is just making another bogus claim, since we know Harry was born July 31st. But later we find out that Voldemort was born on December 31st, so perhaps she was sensing the piece of Voldemort inside Harry.
  6. Why Neville earned 10 points.
    At the end of “Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s Stone”, Harry, Ron and Hermione are all awarded points for defeating Voldemort, but Neville is awarded the game-changing 10 points by Dumbledore because “it takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies, but just as much to stand up to your friends.” This statement is especially notable because Dumbledore truly understands how difficult it was to confront his own friend, Gellert Grindelwald.
  7. Harry and Ron’s happenstance homework predictions.
    When Harry and Ron take to their Divination homework with their usual “enthusiasm,” they are surprisingly accurate in predicting the events of the “Goblet of Fire.” First that Harry predicted he will be “in danger of burns”; next that he will “lose a treasured possession,” and Ron says that he’ll drown; then get “stabbed in the back by someone you thought was a friend,” and finally “come off worse in a fight.””
  8. Voldemort enables his own death.
    Harry and Hermione destroyed Riddle’s diary and the cup with the basilisk fang, Dumbledore, Ron, and Neville destroyed the ring, locket, and Nagini with the sword of Gryffindor, Crabbe destroys the diadem with fiendfyre and Voldemort himself killed Harry.
  9. The evolution from Avada Kedavra to Abracadabra.
    Since a relationship between wizards and muggles existed before the Statute of Secrecy, the violent killing curse was passed down through folklore and morphed into today’s classic “magic spell” of Abracadabra. This is further bolstered, since “Abracadabra” was once believed to be a healing phrase that could kill bacteria and viruses.
  10. The three brothers theory
    One of the most widely accepted theories says that Voldemort was the oldest brother who “died for power,” Snape was the middle brother who “died for lost love” and Harry is the youngest who “greeted death like an old friend.” It’s also theorized that the old friend (aka Death) is actually Dumbledore.
  11. Crookshanks as a passed-down pet.
    It’s been discussed that Crookshanks used to be Lily Potter’s cat. First, Harry  reads a letter hand-written by Lily describing the family cat that Harry nearly ran over with his broomstick. We also know that when Hermione went to buy Crookshanks, the owner, told her he had been there for “quite some time” and that no one wanted him. The cat also immediately recognises Wormtail and Sirius in their animagus form, which he would have seen often at the Potter house.

Star Wars (!!!!!)

Last Saturday I (finally) saw the new Star Wars film, light-years after the rest of the Earth’s population. And it was AMAZING!!! I really want to tell you about it, but I don’t know if everyone has seen it, and I’m the worst at keeping spoilers secret- I ruined the third Pirates of the Caribbean and Harry Potter 6 for a friend, not sure if she has forgiven me yet.

BUT, when Han Solo entered my line of vision on the movie screen… I squealed. You know, that high pitched sound when you’re really excited about something, and you’re trying to hold it in, but a small sound slips out anyway. After all these years, I still have the biggest crush on Harrison Ford, who doesn’t? It’s the same with Luke Skywalker, or Mark Hamill, if you want to be precise about it.

I may have drooled a bit. Or a lot. But if anyone asks, I’ll deny everything!


20 life lessons from Disney films

The Hunchback of Notre Dame – Use your voice to stand up for what’s right. If you don’t fight, who will?

Brave – It’s important to know yourself and what you want, but it’s also important to learn to see things from others’ perspectives.

Beauty and the Beast – Don’t let other people’s expectations for you colour the way you see yourself.

Sleeping beauty – Surround yourself with good people, and all the best things in life will follow, because you’ll always have someone looking out for you.

The Lion King – Hold yourself and the ones you love to high standards. You might be surprised how powerful of a motivating force your example can be.

The Princess and the Frog – Don’t become so single-mindedly dedicated to one specific goal that you forget what’s most important in your life.

Aladdin – You don’t have to do things a certain way just because that’s how they’ve always been done. Challenge  tradition and keep moving forward.

The Little Mermaid – Your voice is priceless, don’t give it up just so you can fit in. The things that make you unique – your thoughts, opinions, and values – are the things about yourself you should cherish most, and the things other people will love the most about you.

Frozen – You can be motivated by fear, or you can be motivated by love. Almost every decision you make comes down to one of those two things, and you should always, always choose love over fear.

Peter Pan – Jealousy is a waste of energy that never gets you anywhere. It won’t get you what you feel like you’re missing, and it might isolate you from other people. Instead focus your energy on doing something that builds you up.

Pirates of the Caribbean – Embrace the opportunity to lead others. Don’t get hung up on the possibility of making mistakes. You’re just as competent as anyone else, and you have skills and smarts that are uniquely yours.

Tangled – You’re capable of more than you might realise. Just because you’ve never done something before, that doesn’t mean you can’t do it now. The only way you’ll know is by trying.

Atlantis: The Lost Empire – Protect your people. Your family, whether they’re related to you or not, loves you most. You should send all that love back to them as fiercely as you can.

Snow White and the Seven Dwarves – Don’t underestimate the power of simply being kind to everyone around you. It’s extremely powerful, and remember: you’re the one who can fill the world with sunshine.

Mulan – Be bold, be brave, and never, ever give up. You won’t know if the next time you try something challenging will be the time you finally succeed unless you go for it. Look at the problems from a different perspective, and you’ll get to the top.

Tarzan – Keep an open mind and explore new worlds. You have no idea what’s out  there waiting to be discovered. With a curious mind and a gentle heart, you can find the beauty in everything.

Cinderella – Be kind to everyone, even to the smallest of creatures, and even those aren’t kind back to you. That kindness is the most beautiful thing you can send out into the world, and it will eventually make its way back to you.

Pocahontas – Trust yourself. Facing the unknown is scary, but if you want something bigger than what you’ve already dreamed, the unknown is your only option.

The Nightmare Before Christmas – You can’t stop the people you love from making mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes, and it’s good that they do, because mistakes help you grow. All you can do is keep loving them through it.

Alice in Wonderland – Being odd is much more fun than being ordinary, so let your imagination run wild and think as many impossible things as you can. That’s how you create a world of your own that you love.

My favourite Christmas films

Christmas is (nearly) just around the corner, and I couldn’t be happier!  I love Christmas, I start the countdown when it’s under a 100 days left, that should give me enough time to figure out what to get my friends and family for Christmas. Does it? No.

I can listen to music and watch films that are Christmas related all year round, it doesn’t matter to me it’s in the middle of April or the end of June, it always cheers me up 🙂

I recently got Netflix, and I’ve been glued to my laptop screen ever since. So many of my favourite films and TV-series, they’ve been here all along, waiting for me! And, among all these films and series, are some of my absolute favourite Christmas films, such as:


These are films I can watch over and over, and never get tired of. What are your favourite Christmas films? 🙂

20 things that the Lion King taught us about life (and death)…

I LOVE Disney, I mean love-love, and I’ve got a special place in my heart for the Lion King. It’s my all-time favourite film, I can watch it over and over, it never gets boring! Some of these gifs/pictures below have Swedish text, but I’ve translated it to English for those who don’t know the film’s transcript by heart – like moi! (It’s something I’m actually proud of)

1. Lion cubs are the cutest little creatures!!! 
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2. How to fool your parents to get what you want. 
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(Snäääääääälla = Pleeeeeeeease)

3. To not complain about the food. 
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(Slimy, yet satisfying!)

4. Everyone has a place, and every ting has a meaning (except for hyenas, that is).
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(And so, are we all connected, in the great circle of life)

5. That things can go waaaaay wrong if you don’t listen to your parents (and that the elephant’s graveyard is the scariest thing EVER!)
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6. That big, strong fathers also get scared. 
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(Being brave, doesn’t mean you go looking for trouble.)
But you’re not scared of anything. 
I was today. 
You were?
Yes. I thought I might lose you.) 

7. That the younger siblings who don’t get any love will get really mean when they’re grown up. 
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8. That this happen when a large group of people stop thinking for themselves. 
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9. Blood’s not always thicker than water. 
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10. How it feels to die inside… 😥 
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11. That those we love never leave us.
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12. If the problems become too much – go on holiday, travel, make new friends, y’know – you got to put your behind in your past!
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(Home is where your rump rests!)

13. The most important thing: Stop worrying about it! 
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(Hakuna Matata is Swahili and means; There are no worries.)

14. That friendship isn’t about what colour, shape or background you have.
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15. And if you wanna be more than friends… 😉 
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16. Change is good, but not always easy… 
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(Yes… change – good, very articulate, right)

17. Remember who you are.
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18. Learn from your past.
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19. Share your problems.
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20. One word: Karma. 
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The Harry Potter tag!

The Harry Potter tag!

I’ve grown up reading/watching the Harry Potter book/films. I think I read the first book when I was about ten or eleven years old. I know I was eleven when I watched the first movie- my Mum had told me she’d buy the film for me as an early birthday present. I was so excited. And then, when I got back, I discovered she’d bought the Swedish Dubbed-version… my excitement shattered like glass. In case you haven’t figured it out yet- it was terrible. Absolutely terrible. I ended up borrowing the ‘real’ film from a friend, which I’m not sure if I’ve returned yet… oops?

But anyway, I found a site on Internet, where someone had come up with the Harry Potter tag, which basically is a number of questions that has to do with the book/films, opinions etc, etc. Here we go!

1) What is your favourite book?

It’s impossible to pick just one, but if I have to choose, I’d say the last one; Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Even though it was sad it was the last book.

2) What is your favourite film? 

I know this might sound cheesy, but I love the second film- Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, but only because I’ve got a huge crush on the guy who played Tom Riddle. My second favourite is the last one, it was so beautifully made.

3) What is your least favourite book? 

I love ALL of them, so can’t really answer that question withut going into a rant on why this questions is a stupid one.

4) What is your least favourite film? 

I don’t like the first one very much, to be honest. I don’t know why, I just… don’t like it. I’m sorry if I offended anyone.

5) Parts of the books/films that made you cry?

Oh boy… I cried in the fourth one, when Dumbledore made the speech about Cedric in the end, I cried rivers! It was so sad, but so beautiful.
I also cried in the last book, both when Fred and Dobby died, AND because I was stupid and peeked at the ending when I was about halfway through! I read the title ’19 years later’ and began to cry even more rivers. I guess it finally caught up with me, there wasn’t going to be any more books/films!!
It was the same with the films, too many feels!!

6) If you could hook up with any character, who would it be? 

I think we all know the answer to that question (if not, read my answer to question 2). Tom Riddle, of course!

7) Who is your favourite character?

Arthur Weasley! He always makes me laugh!

8) Who is your least favourite character? 

Remus Lupin. I’m sorry, again. But I mean, what purpose does his character actually serve, in both the books and the films? He was a friend of Harry’s parents, that’s about all there is to know about him, and he’s a werewolf. Nooo, I don’t like him much.

9) What is your least favourite line? 

That’s a tricky one. I don’t know, actually. It’s not something I think about while reading or watching the books/films.

10) What would your Patronus be? 

I want it to be a horse! Or a Golden Retriever.

11) If you could have the resurrection stone, invisibility cloak or elder wand, which would it be? 

The invisibility cloak, of course! Imagine all the things I could do if I was invisible! 😀

12) Which house would you be in? 


13) If you could meet any member of the cast, who would it be? 

Christian Coulson (Tom Riddle), Ralph Fiennes (Voldemort) and Maggie Smith (Minerva McGonagall).

14) If your were on the Quidditch team, which position would you play?

I wouldn’t ever set my foot on the Quidditch field, I’m too clumsy on the ground, imagine me on a broom! Soooo no position at all!

15) Where you happy with the ending? 

Both happy and sad. Happy, because Harry survived, (almost) all of his friends survived- R.I.P Fred.
Sad, because there wouldn’t be any more books/films, EVER!

16) How much does Harry Potter mean to me? 

It means a lot to me, and it always will. Like a wrote before, I grew up with the books and the films, I went through everything Harry went through. I laughed and I cried. It means a LOT to me.